Today during outdoor play the children engaged in pretend play. They assigned each other key roles to take on. The roles they decided were...a mother, a father, their children and a big bad wolf. At first the big bad wolf was imaginary. Then, class five decided to use an item in the play ground to represent the big bad wolf. Everyone pointed at the scarecrow in the garden and cheered "there he is!"They ran around the playground and said "come on guys he's getting away!" Everyone seemed to be having a wonderful time working together to catch "the big bad wolf!" They used the Playhouse as a hiding spot. To make the experience even more exciting the teacher joined in the play. Class fives teacher pretended she was the big bad Wolf. Class five cheered with joy as they hid inside the Playhouse. The teacher asked everyone what the house was going to be as she pretended to blow it down like a big bad wolf. First the children said, "a straw house". When the "big bad wolf" blew the straw house class five pretended the house fell down and ran around the playground. They cheered, "come catch me big bad wolf!" Overall, we all had an fantastic time playing together!
1.1 making friends
1.6 cooperating and exchanging ideas
2.3 self-esteem
4.3 representation

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