On October 27th LFLF learned how to make gooey goo! Ms. Camille had prepared an exciting experience for everyone at LFLF! In the art room we all gathered around the table where all the supplies were ready for some gooey fun. Ms. Camille started by showing everyone the ingredients. The main ingredient to make the goo was "glue"! We all found it rather surprising and silly. But that's what made this experience even more exciting! Ms. Camille kept us all engaged by asking questions. She asked us how much glue we were going to need to make the goo and we all shared our answers. She then insisted that we pour "6" cups of glue into the mixing bowl. We began mixing the glue with the rest of the ingredients. To make the goo look like a witches spell we decided to mix green food colouring. The classes giggled as they noticed the goo changing from white to green. Once the goo was made, everyone got their own chunk of goo to play with. Along with the goo... we all got some creepy crawlers, rings and glitter. We all were so happy to take our goop home with us! Now we all have some witch goop to finger play with for Halloween!
1.6 cooperating
1.9 interacting with adults
2.6 positive attitudes towards learning
3.6 using verbal and nonverbal communication
4.3 representation
4.4 questioning
4.5 observing
4.7 reflecting and reaching conclusions

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