Thursday, November 17, 2016

Class 1- It's Time To Cook!

This Wednesday our little LFLF friends cooked up a storm in our play kitchen during creative free play time. Some of our friends sat at the table pretend wait to eat dinner with their family. The other little friends took turns cooking up their favourite dishes and then sharing the meals with each other. Some of them can even say the names of what they were cooking: ice-cream, watermelon, etc. The best thing about this whole experience was that our friends played very nicely and cooperatively with each other. They had a great lunch date with each other and they can't wait til the next time they get to cook for each other again. Well done, Class 1!

1.1 making friends
2.3 Self-esteem
3.1 Using verbal and non-verbal communication
4.10 Classifying
5.3 Fine motor skills

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