Thursday, March 30, 2017

Class 3: Pylon Jumping Challenge...

Its always a treat to supply for class 5! They are a colorful bunch at an age/stage in their development that is filled with excitement and surprises. with a couple members from class 3 on board, all 7 of my little friends worked together to build a wall out of pylons and toys. They then challenged themselves to run and jump over the wall with out knocking it down. As you can see, their giant puffy Tutu's and clunky, heavy winter boots didn't slow them down or prevent them from nailing it! They ran, they jumped, they tumbled down and picked themselves up and tried again. We LOVED IT! While our eldest preschoolers are still too young to cope with games were there's "winner's" and a "loser's" their strong sense of pride and desire to challenge themselves is very healthy. They will soon be equipped to enjoy all the fun to be had in a game or challenge with a healthy level of competition incentive's them to get engaged and give it their all for better or worse.


1.9 Interacting with Adults

2.1 Self-Concept

2.3 Self-esteem

2.6 Positive Attitudes towards Learning

3.1 Using Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication

3.2 Using English and the Child's Home Language

3.3 Vocabulary

3.4 Conversing with Peers and Adults

4.2 Problem Solving

Collecting and organizing information

4.10 classifying

4.12 Counting

4.13 Determining quantities

4.14 Comparing quantities

4.17 Understanding 2D & 3D Shapes

5.3 Fine Motor Skills

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