Friday, March 31, 2017

Class 2- Rainbow Painting

Today Class 2 used different colours to create a background of rainbow colours! We did this by organizing the colours of the rainbow in a tray. Once we had all the colours, we used a fine paint brush to dot our paper. This was great as it enabled us to use our fine motor skills to design patterns while using a fine tipped brush. It also allowed the friends from Class 2 use their cognitive abilities to chose the colours and remember what colours were from a rainbow. Great work Class 2!

1.1 making friends

1.5 interactions positively and respectfully

2.6 positive attitudes towards learning

4.5 observing

5.3 fine motor

Class 5- Magic in Fairy Tales

Class 5 is learning about magic, land of fairies and fairy wands. Today we decided to make our own magic wands.We stuck the stars on the wand stick , painted them, and added some gems and glitter. We also tried saying our very own magic words with them. It was so much fun!

1.1- making friends,
1.3- Pere group skills,
1.9- interacting with adults
2.1- self concept
2.4- recognizing and expressing emotions
2.6- positive attitude towards learning.
1.8-taking another person's perspective,
4.8- communicating feelings
4.18- Identifying patterns,
5.3- Fine motor skills

Class 2- Spring Flowers

Today Class 2 made blooming spring flowers for the month of April! We started by organizing paint supplies on the art table as we set them up in front of us. We used beautiful colours such as blue, red, purple, and yellow. Before we made our flowers, we painted a background of blue and green. Blue to represent our sky and green to represent grass. Once our backgrounds where done, we painted cup cake holders into our favourite colours to symbolize spring flowers. Once our flowers were painted, we glued them onto our backgrounds and added stems and leaves. We really enjoyed this spring art activity as we were able to explore our favourite spring colours!

1.1 making friends

1.5 interactions positively and respectfully

2.6 positive attitudes towards learning

4.5 observing

5.3 fine motor

Class 1- Dancing with Deanne

This week the friends from Class 1 explored he art of dance during their dance lesson with Ms. Deanne. The learnt the super cute kitty dance, and freeze danced away to some old favorites like frozen. All of the friends from Class 1 really enjoyed themselves this week.


1.9 Interacting with Adults

2.1 Self-Concept

2.3 Self-esteem

2.6 Positive Attitudes towards Learning

3.1 Using Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication

3.2 Using English and the Child's Home Language

3.4 Conversing with Peers and Adults

5.3 Fine Motor Skills

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Class 5- Fairy Art

Did you know there are magical fairies that live inside the school?
This is one of the reason why our school is so special!
As we celebrate fairy tale week! We thought it would be super special to make a magical art collage inspired by the fairies!
First we coloured our fairies with magical crayons and then we glued colourful feathers for the fairies' skirts and for the finishing touch we added lots of sparkles!

Next time you stop by the school, make sure you listening closely to hear the fairies humming their special tune!


1.9 Interacting with Adults

2.1 Self-Concept

2.3 Self-esteem

2.6 Positive Attitudes towards Learning

3.1 Using Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication

3.2 Using English and the Child's Home Language

3.4 Conversing with Peers and Adults

5.3 Fine Motor Skills

Class 2- Play Dough Exploration

Today Class 2 got extra creative with play dough! We used our imaginations to sculpt and explore all the fun of play dough! This enabled us to also use our fine motors to hold and make textures using tools. Furthermore, we used our communication skills to share tools while engaging in conversation about what we were making! This was great as it was open ended and fun! We always have a wonderful time playing with play dough and our friends!

1.1 making friends

1.5 interactions positively and respectfully

2.6 positive attitudes towards learning

4.5 observing

5.3 fine motor

Class 3: Pylon Jumping Challenge...

Its always a treat to supply for class 5! They are a colorful bunch at an age/stage in their development that is filled with excitement and surprises. with a couple members from class 3 on board, all 7 of my little friends worked together to build a wall out of pylons and toys. They then challenged themselves to run and jump over the wall with out knocking it down. As you can see, their giant puffy Tutu's and clunky, heavy winter boots didn't slow them down or prevent them from nailing it! They ran, they jumped, they tumbled down and picked themselves up and tried again. We LOVED IT! While our eldest preschoolers are still too young to cope with games were there's "winner's" and a "loser's" their strong sense of pride and desire to challenge themselves is very healthy. They will soon be equipped to enjoy all the fun to be had in a game or challenge with a healthy level of competition incentive's them to get engaged and give it their all for better or worse.


1.9 Interacting with Adults

2.1 Self-Concept

2.3 Self-esteem

2.6 Positive Attitudes towards Learning

3.1 Using Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication

3.2 Using English and the Child's Home Language

3.3 Vocabulary

3.4 Conversing with Peers and Adults

4.2 Problem Solving

Collecting and organizing information

4.10 classifying

4.12 Counting

4.13 Determining quantities

4.14 Comparing quantities

4.17 Understanding 2D & 3D Shapes

5.3 Fine Motor Skills

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Class 5- Fairy Tale Literacy

We continued the fairy tale theme by exploring various stories such as Cinderella, Snow White, Peter Pan and Robin Hood!
After wards, we spoke about the fairy tales and the true meanings behind the stories. Adding to this, we created a worksheet where we counted various shapes on the magical carriage. For example we learned that there were 10 diamonds on Cinderella's magical carriage. When we were done, we coloured the magical symbols with different colours and even created patterns!


1.9 Interacting with Adults

2.1 Self-Concept

2.3 Self-esteem

2.6 Positive Attitudes towards Learning

3.1 Using Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication

3.2 Using English and the Child's Home Language

3.3 Vocabulary

3.4 Conversing with Peers and Adults

4.2 Problem Solving

Collecting and organizing information

4.10 classifying

4.12 Counting

4.13 Determining quantities

4.14 Comparing quantities

4.17 Understanding 2D & 3D Shapes

5.3 Fine Motor Skills

Friday, March 24, 2017

Class 2- Spring Rainbows

This week Class 2 made some special rainbows! Our rainbows represent the arrival of spring as we will soon be experiencing spring showers and beautiful rainbows! This art experience allowed for us to identify and explore all the colours of the rainbow! Furthermore, we learned how to make a rainbow by streaking colours on paper to bring it to life! This allowed for us to use our fine motor skills to master fine lines beside each other. Overall, we really enjoyed this colourful art activity and can't wait to see rainbows this spring!

1.1 making friends

1.5 interactions positively and respectfully

2.6 positive attitudes towards learning

4.5 observing

5.3 fine motor