This week during our French circle, we practiced counting our numbers in french with the help of using colourful volcano rocks!
We all took turns counting from 1 to 20 in French as well as in English to get us ready for the new school year in September! We also each took turns picking a number randomly with our French number flash cards and saying what the number was in French. I must say, Class 5 did an awesome job! Afterwards to finish off our lesson, we all took turns practicing our colours in french and even sorted the rocks by groups of colours in French! Awesome job, Class 5!
1.5 Interacting Positively and Respectfully
1.6 Co-operating
1.9 Interacting with Adults
2.1 Self-Concept
2.3 Self-esteem
2.6 Positive Attitudes towards Learning
3.5 Using Descriptive Language to Explain, Explore and Extend
3.1 Using Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication
3.3 Using English and the Child’s Home Language
4.10 Classifying
4.18 Identifying Patterns
4.15 Representing Numbers
4.12 Counting