Class 5 got an exciting surprise visit from a special friend! During her visit she had treated her friends with little dino eggs as a treat! Class 5 took on there very own science experiment as they were curious to discover what was inside there dino eggs! We found a large bin in the school and filled it with warm water. Once we had filled the bucket, we then carefully placed our eggs inside the and observed. As everyone gathered around the eggs, class five hypothesized what might be inside and how long they would take until they hatched! Some of us were so excited to find out what was inside our eggs that we cracked them open and made comparisons! We all had so much fun exploring this awesome treat with our fellow mate. Thank-you, friend for the wonderful surprise! We miss you all so very much here at LFLF.
1.1 making friends
1.5 Interacting Positively and Respectfully
2.6 Positive Attitudes towards Learning
3.4 Conversing with Peers and Adults
3.5 Using Descriptive Language to Explain, Explore and Extend
3.6 Listening to Others
4.2 Problem Solving
4.4 Questioning
4.5 Observing
4.8 Communicating Findings

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