Friday, August 26, 2016

Circus PJ Party Days!

"Twinkle twinkle little star how I wonder what you are." To end this week, all the friends at LFLF were able to wear their PJs and bring their favorite stuffy/blanket/sleeptime toy for a PJ party at summer camp! Some classes talked about sleeping and dreams they have, while other classes did a quiet yoga class with their little companions that they brought from home! All the children put their creative and literacy side to use by colouring and writing about what their favorite quiet activity is that they do on their bed. Each class also read a sleepy time story during their circle time to put them in the mood. What a great way to end the week with a PJ party!

1.1 making friends
1.3 peer entry skills
2.3 self esteem
2.6 positive attitudes towards learning

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