Monday, February 6, 2017

Class 1&2- Science Exploration

Today our little friends used their senses to explore the winter season! We did this by bringing the outdoors inside! Furthermore, we mixed in some more fun with food colouring. To start this science experiment off we gathered snow in clear containers and placed Popsicle sticks inside the containers. Once we had set the table, with all of our tools, we placed a lid in front of each friend, and we began exploring the snow then we adding colour into it. Our friends used their observational skills to describe the colours in the snow and their science skills to mix colour into the snow to make new colours! Overall, we had a blast learning and having fun all at the same time!

1.1 making friends

1.5 interactions positively and respectfully

2.6 positive attitudes towards learning

4.5 observing

4.7 reflecting and reaching conclusions

4.8 communicating findings

5.3 fine motor

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