Friday, May 3, 2013

JK Occupation Exploration!

This week, we have been learning all about different jobs and what we want to be when we grow up. In celebration of earth month, we decided to pretend to be architects and build our own sky scrapers only using recyclable materials. We started out with a tissue box and created a mosaic collage using all the little pieces of scrap paper from our bin. After they dried we made the buildings super 3-D with pop out windows, we used spring folded paper and plastic recycled from Miss Menaka’s binder. We spoke about what our different buildings are, some of us had hospitals, offices and a home for mom and dad! We are going to create our own city together on paper, making sure we include parks, roads and all the mosaic buildings we made together! We can’t wait to see City of Little Little Faces unfold!

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