Thursday, June 22, 2017

French- First Day of Summer

On Wednesday morning, we started the French circle by celebrating the first day of summer! We each took turns telling our friends what we liked to do in the summer such as go to the park, go swimming in a pool or go to the beach and some of us like to go camping! As the end of the school year is upon us, we are reminiscing of all the fun times we've all had during our french circles with our favourite resident French teacher! Some of us hope to continue learning french in the summer day camp, as well as in our new schools where some of our friends are moving on to!

Merci tout le monde et passez un bon vacance d'été!


1.9 Interacting with Adults

2.1 Self-Concept

2.3 Self-esteem

2.6 Positive Attitudes towards Learning

3.1 Using Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication

3.2 Using English and the Child's Home Language

3.3 Vocabulary

3.4 Conversing with Peers and Adults

Our final Good Bye

We want to take a moment to thank all the staff, parents and of course our special friends at LFLF for such a wonderful final year. Some old faces, and new faces will definitely be missed during the summer and beyond. It is very sad to say our goodbyes however we know that each child will go on to do big and great things with their lives and beyond. Thank you for the wonderful final PJ party and dancing we all had these past 2 days. All the best.


Class 2- Fire Crackers

This week we made fire cracker crayon art! As we all know soon we will be celebrating Canada Day! To share our appreciation for our country we made some fiery crackers with the use of crayons and black water paint! We started this art experience by organizing supplies needed. We each got a blank white paper, crayons and black paint. Once everyone had a paper we began designing our fire works with vibrant colours! We then dipped sponged paint brushes in black water paint and painted over our paper. When we finished we added some sparkle with glitter and confetti! Happy Canada Day from LFLF friends!

1.1 making friends

1.5 interacting positively and respectfully

1.6 cooperating

4.3 representation

4.8 identifying patterns

5.3 fine motor

Good Bye Ms. Radha

It is a very sad day at LFLF not only will we be missing the amazing kiddies here as we say our goodbye but our cook Ms.Radha the hardest working chef there is will be gone as well. We want to thank her for everything she has done for us and for all the special and delicious meals she cooks. We wish her all the best and we hate to see her go! We'll miss you Ms. Radha!