Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Class 5- See, Touch, Feel & Count

What a great way to start the week by incorporating our senses theme into our math lesson! Today Class 5 was presented with a bunch of little foam circle stickers and was asked to put as many stickers as they wanted in each column. Then is when all the fun started with our activity. First up, we talked about the things that we see in our paper. We all agreed that we see little red circles. Second, we were asked to touch them and to describe how they felt. We all agreed again how they felt soft and smooth because of its solid foam texture. Finally, we showed off our numeracy skills by counting the circles in each column and writing down what we found for each column. Since we all put as many stickers as we wanted in each column, we all ended up with a whole bunch of different numbers in the end. It was awesome to see that we had different amounts of foamy stickers in all our columns.

All my little friends did so well and had so much fun with this activity. Great counting, Class 5!

4.6 collecting and organizing information
4.8 communicating findings
4.12 counting
4.13 determining quantity
4.14 comparing quantities
5.3 fine motor

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