Monday, November 7, 2016

Class 5- What do we see around our school?

Today we continued our exploration into what makes us humans so wonderful and further delved into our sense of sight. We all agreed that we have 2 eyes to see the wonderful things around us. We talked about things that we see that we cannot feel and touch, and the answers that we all came up with were very creative, like fluffy clouds, the air we breathe and the sparkling stars high up in the sky. Some friends shared how we can see and touch animals, tables, chairs and especially our favourite toys. We also learned how we should take care of our eyes as not everyone is so lucky to have them. We also discussed that we should not watch TV or iPads all day so our eyes can have a rest and we need to eat lots of carrots to promote our overall eye health. We ended our activity by writing down 4 things that we see in school. Wait till you hear about the exciting things we see!

1.1 Making Friends
1.3 Peer Group Entry Skills
1.6 cooperating
2.6 positive attitudes towards learning
3.4 conversing with peers and adults
3.5 using descriptive language to explain, explore and extend
3.6 listening to others
3.7 enjoying literacy
3.8 using and understanding power of literacy
5.3 fine motor

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