Friday, December 2, 2016

Class 3 - Wintery Wonderland

Winter is starting to show up and Class 3 decided to do a winter scene today during our visual art time. The children decided to use some paints, winter tree cut outs, cotton balls and glue to make a wonderful winter wonderland. Each one brought their own unique style of creating their winter art. Of course, we added the special LFLF touch to our artwork once we finished by sprinkling some sparkles to give it that special touch. It looked extremely beautiful and we were very happy with our creations. Well done, Class 3!

1.3- Peer group skills,
1.5 - Interacting positively and respectfully
1.6 - Cooperating
1.8-taking another person's perspective,
2.4- recognising and expressing emotions,
2.6 - Positive attitudes towards learning
3.3 - Vocabulary
3.4 - Conversing with peers and adults
3.5 - Using descriptive language to explain, explore and extend
3.6 - Listening to others
4.18- Identifying patterns,
4.22 - Using spatial relations, directions, maps
5.3- Fine motor skills

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