Monday, February 22, 2016

Class 4 - Outdoor Play

Although all of the snow may be gone, our friends in Class 4 found some interesting things on our playground today which prompted some intriguing discussions. Some of the friends of Class 4 noticed there was still a bit of ice on our sandbox which prompted our investigation and hypothesizing. Class 4 made comments such as "When this ice melts it will be water." Along with our ice discovery we also discovered a little bit of snow on the playground which we created into a snow castle! Using our trusty tools such as shovels and rakes we worked together as a team to build a snow castle. Along with riding our car and tricycle around the playground we played catch using our very magical ball. We threw the ball back and forth from friend to friend which enhances our hand eye coordination skills. Today was an amazing day on our playground!

1.7, 3.1, 3.3, 3.4, 5.2

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