Friday, August 19, 2016

Class 5- Water Displacement

Class 5 was told a story called "The Crow and the Pitcher". It's about a thirsty crow who knows the idea of water displacement. He dropped stones into a pitcher half-full of water so he could raise the level of water for him to have a drink. After reading the story, Class 5 thought it would be a great idea to recreate this water displacement phenomenon. They also thought it would be a great science activity to know how much stones we needed to raise the level of water in our container. Of course, with our superstars in Class 5, there were a lot of guesses.
So, we got a bucket, filled it with water and everyone had their very own stones to drop. Everyone took turns dropping their stones until the water finally reached the top. After our activity, we all got our paper and pencils and wrote "water displacement helps us work on our scientific observation". Some of us also wrote their hypotheses and even other conclusions they came up with. Well done, my little brainiacs!

1.3 peer group entry skills
1.4 helping skills
1.6 cooperating
4.2 problem solving
4.5 observation
4.6 collecting and organizing information
4.7 reflecting and reaching conclusions
4.8 communicating findings

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