Friday, August 14, 2015

Special Guests

Today, we had very special visitors, Yogi Pip, and Yogi Joey.  Yogi Pip and Yogi Joey came in to show the LFLF family some helpful Yoga poses. Today was a great success. The children were fantastic and very engaged in the program.  The class started out with everyone saying, 'namaste' and  learning new breathing techniques. They also learned different positions, chanting OM and some of the Sanskrit names. 

The objective in the program is to achieve what Yoga truly is designed to accomplish BALANCE. 

In order to do this we must combine Movement, Breath, Meditation and Chanting. There are many benefits that Yoga Practice provides. For children it teaches focus and being mindful. It teaches movement and body awareness. It encourages patience, relaxation and contributes to balanced health amongst many other benefits. 

This was the scheduled program that the first class learned:

Pip's Toddler Yoga Program 

1. Namaste - Hello & Goodbye 

2. Breathe- hand on Belly

3. Sun Salutation 

4. Tree Pose 

5. Candlestick Pose 

6. Dog Pose 

7. Cat Pose

8. Lion Pose

9. Snake Pose

10. AirPlane Pose 

11. Superhero Pose

PRANAYAMA - Breathing

12. Bird


13. Singing Bowl - Savasana


They next class was extended. They were also older. We did the above itinerary and I added in more breathing techniques. They learned: 

Pranayama = Breathing

Asana = Position/Movement

Chanting = Sound


PRANAYAMA : Breathing techniques learned 

ANULOM-VILOM - alternate nostril breathing

BHASTRIKA - breathing with movement 

Thank-you so much, Yogi Pip for your help explaining all the benefits and the details of the program itself.
A very special thank-you to both Yogi Pip and Yogi Joey, LFLF welcomes you back and can't wait for your next visit :) 


Elect: 1.3, 1.6, 1.9, 2.6, 3.4, 5.2

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